Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Feeling Blah.

I'm sick of feeling tired & washed out. My head hurts again, I'm dosed up with everything I can safely take & its not helping. At. All. On top of all of that, my hands hurt. Good thing I don't need to do any hand-sewing or any of that today. I am going to try to get some soap done & get my fragrances listed & ready to go so I can update the website & all of that. I doubt I get much more than that done, besides the house-keeping & such that needs to be done today, too.

I need to have Rhi try on her dress so I can see if it needs to be taken in before Saturday night. And go & get her some money so she can buy the tickets before Friday. (the price goes up if she doesn't) Anyway, I probably ought to get started on all of that.

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