Sunday, February 25, 2007

Trying to Start Again

Anyone who reads this blog or has read any of my previous ones, knows that I had a couple of friends that were deployed to Iraq and came back last June. I still have friends that are affected by the war, one has a husband in Afghanistan right now, another online acquaintance lost her husband in Iraq in 2005. There was an interesting article in the Salt Lake Tribune this morning about the wife of the first Utah casualty in Iraqi Freedom. It talks about how his widow feels like she's ready to move on to a new life, and how she has made changes, taken up new hobbies and so on, but still feels caught up in her loss & the loss of a life she always thought would be there.

I'm so thankful that I haven't lost anyone over there, and I often wonder how those that are left behind manage without the people they loved & how they're doing.

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