Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just Slowing Down

The weekend, was, as usual, very busy & full of times with friends and family, too. We spent a lot of time with our friends, just hanging out, talking & laughing. I guess they didn't get that rental, after all, the partners in the management company don't seem to communicate very well with each other, because it was rented when they had Dawn come in with paystubs. So, they're staying where they are for the time being, unless they can get one of the local mortgage lenders to work with them & show them how to apply to purchase a HUD home, that is.

I took Rhi to get her hair done this morning. She had some more blond done & had it cut in a really pretty layered cut. She looks so nice, now & really loves her hair. I do plan to get mine done before graduation, just so I can look nice, too, but that's 24 days away, so I have a little time before I have to get in & get it done. I'm pretty excited about it though!

Erin is leaving to move to Portland tonight. I'm pretty angry about it, but will have to post more about it later, gotta jet!

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