Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Today's picture is from our Halloween party last year. Its me, in my wig, under the black light we put in the hall. I really like the psychodelic look it has to it. I took a couple of me & a couple of Rhi under there, I'll post one of Rhi tomorrow.

So, Rhi apparently lost my camera, either at school or in between here & there. I guess it was a good thing that I was about due for a new one, but still, I hate to be without it now. Oh well, no point in being upset about it, I can't bring it back that way, all I can do is hope someone turned it in to the school or something. I'm so proud of the young woman that she's become this school year. She may have gone through her first heartbreak, but it taught her so much about herself & she's that much better for it.

I guess Erin & Alisha still don't have jobs. They plan to move in here the 1st of November, I guess. We're less than thrilled, which is sad to say, but true. There is sooooo much chaos anytime he's around for longer than about 3 hours. He picks fights with Rhi, or Troy & I & if that fails to entertain him, he starts in on Alisha & that always ends in a huge argument. I have some rules that are going to have to be followed if they wanna stay here, along with some rent that's going to have to be paid. I'm pretty sure they plan to stay with us until they have enough money saved to move to Portland. I guess I wouldn't be so put out, but they were supposed to have his bedroom cleaned out a long time ago, so I could use it for crafting & sewing & he's just now getting around to it, in time to move back in & he wants me to put all of my stuff into a storage unit. As it is, I'll have nowhere to put the Christmas tree now, because that stuff is sitting right where I usually put it.

My Mood: annoyed
My Weather: Partly Cloudy


Update: Rhi found my camera, it was buried in her backpack, thankfully!

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