Saturday, October 17, 2009

Halloween Goodies!

I've been following the 31 Days of Halloween giveaway over on Mrs. B's blog this month, and I've entered for a few things, because honestly, she has some awesome stuff to give away this month. Today, there was an offer that I just can't refuse! Octoberfarm is giving away a great goodie bag full of things from Salem, MA!! There is a little handmade spellbook, a tiny handmade broom, candy, syrup, baked goods, keychains, magnets, pictures, a tiny tote bag and a bunch more, really. I really, really want to win this, I have always wanted to go to Salem, and this would be about the next best thing for me!

If that sort of thing interests you, you really should go check out the giveaway & enter yourself - then send the goodies to me if you win!! LOL!!

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