Saturday, April 14, 2007

Off to the Dance

The kids both looked great tonight. Will's tux was very nice & Rhi's dress was beautiful. I really didn't get to see much of them, because they were running late, but that's ok, they had their pictures taken & I'll be able to scan those later. Rhi texted me shortly after they got there to tell me the apple cider smelled like alcohol, but didn't taste like it, so I just told her that if it started making her feel funny to stop drinking it. Oh, from what I could see of Rhi's corsage, it was very pretty, too. Anyway, I guess you're all probably tired of hearing about it, huh? :)

Troy & I are officiating at a wedding later in the month. Our friends Mark & Sarah are getting married in a double ceremony with Sarah's sister Liz & fiance Chris. I'm fairly nervous about it, since I really hate speaking in front of crowds, but I'll Troy with me, so hopefully, I'll be ok. I'm just gonna keep my eyes on the couples & do my best to stay calm.

I'm also extremely ready for Spring to come back. Anytime now.

1 comment:

Cetta said...

How very cool. Sorry to be ignorant - you're a priestess?