Tuesday, July 15, 2008


After a lot of confusion and disappointment, my laptop arrived here this afternoon, safe & sound. As of this morning, we were told that it wasn't going to be here until Friday, because it had been sent on a truck to Denver & was on it's way back to Salt Lake City & then on to here. I was pretty angry about it, after all, it was shipped on the 6th & I was getting pretty impatient about the whole thing.

Right now, I'm uploading stuff & charging my battery, so that I can take it out into the living room & spend time with Troy out there. I'm planning to install Guild Wars on it, pretty soon, too, so that when we play, we can talk instead of worrying about having to type all the time.

So, yay! We're going to the movies tonight to see Hancock, I hope it's good.

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