Saturday, June 25, 2011

Good - But Bad - Day

Today started out okay, I slept really, really hard, got up & made coffee. I took my vitamins & such before I ate & was nauseated shortly after because of it, so I ate breakfast & started to get things ready to go for our Litha rights today. I was outside, setting up the ritual space & tripped on a metal stake thing that was sticking out of the ground. I tore my right foot open on top, from right above my toes up about 2-3 inches, and bruised part of it too. It hurt so bad I couldn't walk, or really think much, so I texted Troy & then Rhi, trying to get some help. I was crying uncontrollably while Troy cleaned it up for me & pretty sure the day was done.

Everyone got here on time, except for Ryan, but it was far too hot out there to do anything, so we waited until Ryan got here, did ritual and it was still too hot to be out there cooking. We waited a good long while and in the mean time made a bunch of seashell fairies for our personal altars. We went out & while Troy was cooking, Morgan wove the sunwheel. It turned out quite nice. Lyssa had a ball out playing in the yard, her playhouse & the sandbox.

We were all tired by the time we wrapped things up, so it shaped up into a much better day than I originally thought it would be. There are times when I wish I had some sort of a little memento to give people (like those military challenge coins) or something, just because the people in our lives make everything so worthwhile.

Anyway, I'm exhausted, hurting & ready for some downtime!

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