Friday, April 08, 2011

Tough Times

We had a bit of a rough time with Rhi when she got home, I don't know what it was, maybe the fact that she wasn't supposed to be drinking or anything, but she went kind of crazy & started drinking, excessively, every day. I mean, to the point of passing out & getting sick while she was unconscious. Very dangerous. I really don't know what finally got through to her, whether it was us being so upset with her, her nearly losing her best friend or realizing how close she was coming to dying, but she stopped drinking on Wednesday. We had a really long talk with her about the rules of the house and what we aren't going to be dealing with anymore. She agreed to our terms & started AA on Thursday. She's been two days in a row, plans to go every day.

I want to trust her. I want to believe this is the end, but I do understand the addiction cycle & I know she's in for a long road. I do have faith that she can overcome this & will if she believes in herself enough. Keep her in your thoughts, she can use all of the positive energy the Universe can muster at this point, and so can we.

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