Friday, April 01, 2011


I've been so lazy lately, I don't know what's up with that. I need to put my laundry away, because I really need to put the dirty stuff in the hamper (where my clean clothes are currently), so I can actually wash some pants for the weekend. Instead, I'm just piddling around, not really doing much of anything. I did manage to put the clean dishes away today & put the dirty ones in the dishwasher, and even made the bed, but honestly, it's like I've spent three days reading about all of the carpet cleaners raleigh nc has to offer, you know? Time passes, but I can't really say what I've done with it. It's not like there was all that much that I actually needed to be doing, but it still makes me feel guilty to know I haven't done that much this week, other than a few crafts & such.

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